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Our Community

We’re better together!
Kerry Community Youth Service (KCYS) is a voluntary youth work organisation.

Established in 1971 as a support structure for youth clubs, there has been substantial growth in the organisation over time, made possible by the commitment of volunteer youth workers and by the availability of private, international, government and European funding to develop a range of work programmes. Since our establishment we have always striven to meet the needs of young people through committed volunteers, trained staff and the implementation of best practice. KCYS carries out its work in partnership with several other organisations in order to best meet youth needs.

Presently KCYS delivers a diverse range of family support, children and young peoples services spread throughout the Diocese of Kerry. We recognise that in all communities there are young people with a range of distinct issues that combine to marginalise the person. Individually diverse projects such as Youth Clubs, Youth Cafes and Drop in Spaces, Youthreach – Early School Leaving, Garda Youth Diversion Projects, Drugs and Alcohol Prevention Projects, family support projects such as Childcare Centres, Springboard and Neighbourhood Youth Projects combine to generate a more effective overall response to the young person.

The KCYS relies on the active involvement of adult and young volunteers to support its work. Volunteers are involved in every aspect of the organisation. Volunteers carry out most of the direct face-to-face youth work and are supported through dedicated KCYS training designed to meet a variety of needs. The type of role a volunteer plays with the service will depend on their interest, their skills and training.

KCYS are currently recruiting new Volunteers – if you are interested in volunteering and have an interest in Young People and their well-being, please contact your nearest Youth Centre.