Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail
Discover Primary Science and Maths Awards
Health Promoting School
BENEFITS of Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail
1.Achieving fluency in both Irish & English opens windows of two cultures and helps children learn a 3rd and 4th language when older.
2.We are the only school in North Kerry to offer the specialised English Language support programmes Reading Recovery. One-to-one tuition ensures pupils in Senior Infants achieve their full literacy potential. Infants where intensive one-to-one tuition ensures all pupils achieve their full literacy potential.
3.Literacy Lift Off offers intensive hour long daily group sessions where pupils read and write at their own level of readiness.
4. We welcome children from all cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds
5.Our teachers lead specialised learning initiatives in Science, Health Promotion & Green Flag activities
6.Other school subjects and activities include French, Computers, Irish Dancing, Swimming & Gaelic Football.
7. The entire school community celebrate festivals and special occasions in style each year.
8. School facilities include interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, a computer room, a sports field, and a school garden.
9. A Homework Club and a Secondary School Transition programme also run in the school
10. Local childcare providers offer morning drop-off and after-school collections.